So my "brief" hiatus has come to a close. I know what I want to do although it should not have taken me this long. I want this blog to be a mixture of my love for arts and craft while showcasing doing such on any budget but also sharing bits of my life. I mean, my outlet is crafting so the two go hand in hand.
Course is set. Direction is clear. Implementation begins now.
I have found inspiration to continue with my creative talents on a low budget from an unlikely source: working as an eligibility worker.
I recently began a new job working with social services. Well, recently is about two months ago. When I began, I knew that the one thing I would enjoy the most is making my desk space more like home. My supervisor in all her thoughtfulness made a welcome sign, gave me a glass dish with candy, and a vase filled with flowers (she had me at the welcome sign). Besides this little bit of sunshine, the drab drawers that I had to be surrounded by made me want to change everything at once. However, I had to keep in mind that I could not make any permanent changes and that I was just beginning a new job so the amount of money and time that I could spend on sprucing up the place was going to be limited. I would add a picture or two from my wedding (truly the best day of my life) and a tape dispenser shaped like a high-heeled shoe (given to me by one of my favorite people, Lindsey Beth). This bowl held fruit which ushered in my coworkers.
If you have never worked in an office, let me just preface the next paragraph by saying the coworkers that I have are truly amazing and wonderful people and not every work environment is like this.
As fruit and candy drew people to my desk, they began asking questions.
"Where did you get that lovely bowl?"
"I bought it a few years ago. It was $35 at Kohl's but was on clearance for $5 when I got it."
"What a nice picture of your wedding! I love the frame too!"
"Thank you! I got it for $3 at the thrift store. I sanded down the pervious finish, painted and sealed it."
I should also say that I have an incredible knack for remembering bargains. I am not exaggerating at all: I can remember what I paid (and usually at what percentage off it was from the original price) and where I bought every item that I have that I got on sale. I should also say that I do not pay full price for anything, except food, unless it is at the Dollar Store. I do not haggle on prices everywhere I go. I just will not buy something unless it is on sale or I can get it at the Dollar Store. (I will refer to the Dollar Store a lot so I will use the abbreviation DS)
Among my other job tasks, I was put in charge of ordering supplies for my team. Purple, hot pink, and teal post-its for everyone! I used those little guys along with my array of highlighters to bring life to my cubicle. As the weeks progressed and I actually saw a pay check, I decided to treat myself to a trip to the DS. But first, I scoured Pinterest for ideas. I should have paid bills first as I did not have much left after leaving. As usual, Pinterest inspired me to do everything with anything I could find and I came home overwhelmed. Instead of shoving my aspirations into the basement as I usually do, I decided to start gradually (what a concept). I took a plain vase, filled it with rocks, orange silk flowers that resembled mums, and some twiggy things. It looked good but it wasn't coming together perfectly so I added a thick brown ribbon to the vase about and inch from the opening. Viola! Perfect since buying flowers every week was not working out so well for me but a floral touch is so necessary in any space. I brought my pride and joy into work the next day and received the reaction that I could not have imagined. I was pleased but my coworkers puffed up my head so much to where I thought I would explode!
Ever since then, I have been bringing in little things here and there. A few of my touches are pictured here:
Q-tips Flower bursts that I found on Pinterest that took me here.
The DS flowers and vase
I switched my pictures around a bit as i began to need to use my desk space.
The rug that I purchased from Target on clearance for $7
One person out of all those kind voices resounded (and continues to) the loudest. She shares my same name and is always telling me that I went into the wrong profession. She asks, "Why are you here?!" while pointing to the various crafts that I have brought into my space. She is always encouraging me to hone in on the talents that my sweet Jesus has given to me. Her constant encouragement keeps me smiling. So this change in my attitude, this rejuvenation for my love of all things DIY and inexpensive is because of her. She refers to me as a Diva on a Dime. She has suggested that do something once a week called my Diva Tip of the Day. So every Monday, check back to see what tip I have. It will either be something crafty or something to help you find the best deals on a variety of items.
It is getting late and I should probably give my love bug some attention before we turn in for the night.
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