
"Oh the Places You Will Go"

My sister/best friend graducated with her Associates in Education.  My sister is a wife of over 10 years and a mother to an almost 15 year old, 11 year old, and a 9 year old. She had my first niece at a young age which sidetracked her plans a bit but did not completely derail her. She is an amazing and although I was not able to be there, I knew that I wanted to make her a gift to let her know just how I felt.

I have always had a soft spot for Dr. Seuss. I think that he is just one of the coolest writers. His simple stories have profound messages! Not to disappoint, Oh, the Places You Will Go has a quote in it that says, "The more you read, the more you will learn. The more you know, of the places you will go." Could this be any more perfect?! I did not want to do something too literal but wanted something kinda of whimsical but that she could also out in her home. I chose to make pom flowers that are present throughout all of Dr. Seuss's books. I took the tutorial form a Pin on Pinterest but slightly altered it due to laziness and adding a few extra additive :). The link I used is here The tutorial for the ones that I did is below

The items i used are:
~yarn (the amount of colors is based on what you want)
~pipe cleaners
~decorative rocks (3)
~large mason jar
~wide strip (about 6 inches) of burlap
~buttons (2)
~beer bottle caps (2)

I began by finally using some of my wonderful 50% off yarn barrels that I got from Michae
l's a few months ago.

 I took the yarn and began wrapping it around my fingers. The amount of fingers that you use dictates how big you want the pom to be. The tutorial I loosely followed stated that you should wrap it at least 90 times. I lost track around 40 so I kept wrapping until I was tired. However, if you want the poms to come out more dense, I suggest going for the full 90.


After you have finished wrapping, slip the yarn from your fingers, trying to maintain the circular shape as much as possible. Cut the yarn. Then cut a piece of yarn that is about 6 inches (I eyeballed this based on how big my ball was.

Tie a knot and then another knot around the ball of yarn. Make sure that it is tied tightly

On either end of the knot you just tied are loops. Use scissors to cut the loops

This is where you give your pom some shape. Cut down the thread while fluffing as you go to give it a ball shape. How much you cut it down depends on the look that you are going for.  I liked them to still have more flowey which is why I did not cut it down further. But if you wanted it to look more dense, but the ball smaller.

These are my finished poms. you can barely see the purple but it is there in the left hand corner.

I originally thought of having pipe cleaners so I went with colors that matched the flowers

 Using my favorite thing of all (my old glue gun), I attached the pipe cleaners to the poms

F.Y.I.: Using pipe cleaners is a terrible idea, lol! I did not take into account how heavy the poms were in relation to the pipe cleaners. So I had to use decorative rocks to weigh them down. Again, hot glue gun to the rescue!

They were still slightly top-heavy so I took a piece of yarn and tied it towards the top to keep them bunched together. 

I'm sorry that I did not take more pictures of the mason jar transformation but it was really coming together as I went. I have a roll of burlap that is abut 6 inches wide. I used the hot glue gun to attach it not only to the jar but left enough overlap to glue it to itself. Remember: hot glue can come off of smooth surfaces such as glass and metal so it is best to attach the fabric to itself for additional cohesion. I used a strip of gold ribbon for the middle. I have a ton of buttons, bottle caps, sparkles, doilies, and fun additives so I used some of them to adorn the front of the vase.

So I should have apologized from the beginning as I am not a great photographer nor do my pictures have amazing resolution. But I did try to document everything so I hope that helps. Also, I should have forewarned you that I often deviate from tutorials and follow my own path (which may or may not be a good thing) but I encourage everyone to do so as well :) 



Do you ever have those days that just have you spiraling into the pits?

Unfortunately, today is that day for me. It started out normal and actually wasn't so bad. I have been and will be in training for work this week which means jeans everyday and driving (something I honestly really do love to do but don't get to often as I carpool with my mom the 7 minutes it usually takes us to get to work). But I did not make a smoothie this morning which was the first clue as to the rest of the day. Since my stomach has been acting ridiculous, I have been reading various websites and talking with my doctor on ways to ease the pain my stomach ulcers constantly cause, in addition to the Nexium. I have started to bring smoothies for lunch as they are easier on my stomach and cause a significantly less amount of pain than eating solids. I was not only running late but left my mixer at work so I didn't have a cup to put it in. I though that it if I did something light for lunch it wouldn't be so bad. Well I saw Chik Fil A and all sense of comfort went out the window and my appetite for solids and p that delicious chicken took over. Minutes after eating the sad which, my belly began to rebel. But I was still at training so writhing in pain would have to wait.

Once I got home around 5:30,  I took my usual fetal position on the bed and hoped the pain would go away by the time we had to leave for Bible study. 7:30 came and went and frustration set it. I really wanted to go tonight but my aches did not have the same schedule. I decided to look at Instagram...and this is where the slippery slope opened up to a pool of pity. I saw pictures of people with their babies, babies that I am unable to have right now due to finances and the almost certain unbearable pain that ulcers can have during pregnancy; screenshots of encouraging words sent to people who are currently following their dreams, dreams that I have but am unsure of how to begin to make into a reality; images of things that others have that I want. In times like these, it is hard to think rationally. So instead, I wallow in it. As a counselor, I know different techniques to help encourage myself and change my attitude. Well, one fell into my lap today....literally


Learning to Play Soccer

It is 2:47am and I am wide awake yet exhausted. I actually have another post that I am working on from the beginning of last week but felt like sharing this as soon as possible.

Today has been one thing after another after another. First, a sweet woman who used to attend my church went to be with Jesus last Tuesday. Her memorial was this morning. Due to various reasons (primarily, the fact that I don't know how to budget my time), I was unable to make it to the service. I had already left before I realized that 15 minutes until the start, I could not make a 30 minute drive and be late. Frustrated, I turned around and came home and did the most logical thing: took my frustrations out on my husband. After arguing over nothing really, I broke down crying because I was so angry at myself for not being able to pay my last respects. I prayed about it and sent a message to Ms. Judy via Jesus. I had planned to see a co-worker after the memorial for a bit of shopping to decorate her home. So I got myself together and met with her. While at Kirklands, I received a phone call from my brother-in-law that my father-in-law had yet another stroke (this man defies all odds, thankfully). I left in order to go home to get my husband and travel to my in-laws' home (since he is in in-home hospice care, doctors come to him instead of him going to the hospital). It was thankfully not a high grade event and within hours, he was recognizing faces and talking with us all. We spent the greater part of the day with them.

Around 11pm, my husband and his brother were watching the Alvarez-Trout boxing fight while I was upstairs, monitoring our cat who was in full labor. By 12:30, 5 kittens had been born and I could not have been more ecstatic (these are my grandkittens). However, there was a problem with one that Mega was not paying much attention to. I automatically went into panic mode. I have been reading every article and watching every video about the pregnancy, labor and delivery, and weeks to follow for these little babies to come so I was ready. I pulled on some gloves and massaged its back with a warm cloth, took a dropper and sucked any mucus from its nose and mouth, patted it on the back with my finger to loosen anything obstructing its airways, placed it in a cloth and the on a heating pad on low to keep him warm, put him next to my heartbeat to he could feel my skin and my heart rhythm. He would take gasps of air every minute or so but after about 30 minutes, my mom said that he was probably gone. So I held him a little longer and realized that he wasn't breathing. So I cried my eyes out. My mom found a little business card box (yes, they are that little) and we put him in there. We placed the box in a ziplock bag and will bury him tomorrow in the back yard on the hill with my two other dogs.

Why did I say I was learning to play soccer? In soccer, a change can come from out of nowhere. You can be completely blindsided by an opponent which can either be a good thing, if you manage to keep the ball in your control, or a bad thing, if they steal it from you. Today I'd have to say I feel as though  I did not do a very good job handling these interruptions. I became angry, frustrated, and extremely sad. These emotions would be expected given the circumstances but the way in which I carried them out was not with the best poise. Picking a fight because of my own frustrations? Ignorant. Becoming angry because my shopping trip was cut short by someone's illness? Selfish. Engrossing myself so much in one kitten that I ignored the 4 others completely? Inconsiderate. I am working on a better me and one of the tricks to a better me is holding myself accountable. So hopefully during this next week, I will have a better report on how I have become better at soccer

Slipscream, our little fallen decepticon 



I can admit and my track record can show that I am not the best at this whole blogging thing. there have been many times before that I have said that I am going to start writing everyday or that I am going to post more pictures. The truth of the matter is that the fact that life became too busy for crafts and I felt like I was not being true to the reason that I began this blog to begin with. But then I started thinking about the fact that this blog is not just about being creative but also about me (the "little" part of the title). So if there are other things on my mind, I should not feel like I am doing any sort of disservice or staying from its purpose but that I am just naturally following the route I should.

Whew! That felt good1 Now, on to some updates!

Let's see...where to begin. Well, I guess there have been some lows. My sweet, sweet father-in-law, whom i am unsure if I have mentioned before, has been placed in hospice care. This man is such a fighter! Since 2007, he has suffered 8 strokes, a heart attack and numerous other illnesses. In October 2012, he had to be placed on a feeding tube. The fact that he is now in hospice care is more for his comfort, not that his health has taken such a decline that the end is at any moment. But it did make our family think and begin for his reunion with Jesus. This has been tough on my husband, his biggest fan. For those that do not know, my husband is 6'1" and about 230lbs. He's as tough as they come except when it involves his family. His father's decline in health has been so difficult on him but he has been such a wonderful support for his mother. The coming together of our family during this difficult time has made it that much more bearable.

I have been having terrible headaches and stomach issues for the longest and finally decided to get a check-up. Turns out, I have a few peptic ulcers which stinks. I am taking medication for them but it also calls for me to change my diet, such as taking out foods that are high in acidity. Does my tummy really want me to cut out all of the delicious citrus fruits that I love to eat?! Yes...yes it does. SO it has been an adjustment but I cannot complain because it could have been something worse.

The in-between. my husband's job as a contractor with Quantico Marine Base came to an end on March 1st, the morning that the government furlough was put into effect. While this was not only unexpected and unwarranted, this blow knocked us back but not down. We have been through this before: my husband was without a employment for two and a half years about a year and a half into our marriage. But the difference this time is starkly different. My husband has thrown himself into his side project (now turned full-time career) launching his Trust No One brand. He has done such an amazing job that we are headed to Florida at the beginning of next week for him to hand-deliver and setup his clothes in a store (much more posts on this to come).

I completed my probationary year with my new (well, year old) job and have been promoted to a new position which I love! Things have been going pretty well for my little family. The downs have been bad they are an opportunity to strive to do better, focus more on Jesus, and bring us closer together. The good times have reminded us how hard work and faith pays off.

I am sure I have bored everyone to death with my ramblings so I'll end for tonight.


A Bit of Reflection

2012 was a terribly great year.

The Times When We Had to Really Rely on God:
-constant financial issues
-numerous health concerns for my sweet father-n-law and an extremely difficult decision that had to be made in preparation for his future
-moving in with my parents (which has been the ultimate blessing but stirs frustration at times when dealing with spacial issues and considering volumes at intimate times)

The Times Where We Were Filled with Joy:
-celebrating 4 wonderful years with my love
-beginning a new job
-my husband becoming completely debt free (still working on me)

Who knows what 2013 has in store for us but we are complete sure of one thing: God will be at the center of it. We have been too blessed and too well cared for to not recognize our need for Him. With his blessing, 2013 will hopefully bring about a new home, a new car, and a new little life.